Ghostwriting is available only for rewrites at this time. For fiction, $3.99 per 100 words. For non-fiction where I am familiar with the subject and need to do no research, $3.99 per 100 words. For non-fiction requiring me to do research, prices start at $5.99 per 100 words. This price includes one rewrite of my work. For more information and an example, click here.
I work in either MS Word or Google Docs, whichever you prefer. I must see the entire sample in advance. Once a price is set and a contract is in place, I require 30% to start. I require 50% before the first rewrite. The remaining 20% is due when I return the completed project.
I will rewrite the sample based on the agreed word count, then offer it for approval. After the rewrite, I will send a copy in whichever file format the original was submitted in eBook format.