This provides a three-pass line edit on a work nearing completion but isn’t quite what you wanted, for$25 per hour, based on the number of passes and word count. For Fiction, an additional fee of up to $3 per 1,000 words may be added for the required Character List, Places List, and Timeline depending on how complete any portion of these supplied by the author are. First, I read through and offer suggestions on coherence, flow, readability, and language use to help keep your voice consistent. I track all changes and allow you to review my suggestions. Second, I review for punctuation, grammar, spelling, and clarity. The second pass is also submitted for your approval. Once approved, I take my final proofreading pass. For an example, click here.
I work in either MS Word or Google Docs, whichever you prefer. This service provides a line edit and a copy edit on a project not quite finished. I must see the entire sample in advance. Once a price is set and a contract is in place, I require 30% to start. I require 30% before my second pass. The next 20% is due before I take my final proofread. The remaining 20% is due when I return the completed project.
I will return the first pass to you with all my changes and comments, I will not change anything until you approve it. For the second pass, I track changes and give you time to approve these as well. For the third pass, I can track changes or simply make changes as you determine. Once you have approved all the changes, or dismissed them, I will provide a final, clean copy.